Results from 2014

Choose a Year: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

Jingle Bell Run 5K

December 14, 2014, Lenexa, Kansas (Meritrex Cave 60-64°)


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
1/3 BJ Thornburg 37:37 F 70+ 74.9%
2/3 Carol Smith 40:48 F 70+ 70.1%
3/4 John Anderson 36:51 M 70+ 69.7%
2/4 Alan Poisner 35:51 M 70+ 80.2%

No racewalking division


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
2/10 Sunday Cavallaro 27:29 F 55-59 67.4%

Great Santa Run – 5K

Dec. 7, 2014, Overland Park, Kansas 34° (Johnson County Community College)


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
2/6 BJ Thornburg 36:58 F 70-74 76.2%
4/6 John Anderson 36:42 M 70-74 67.0%
1/2 Alan Poisner 36:37 M 80-99 78.5%

No racewalking division


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
1/42 Sunday Cavallaro 27:01 F 55-59 68.6%

Ward Parkway Thanksgiving Day 5K

November 27, 2014, Kansas City, Missouri
5K walking

Place Name Time Division Age-Graded
26/38 Phil Jacobs 43:29 M65-69 56.8%
3/12 John Anderson 36.45 M70-74 69.9 %
1/3 Alan Poisner* 36:25 M80+ 79.0 %
84/120 Martha McCarter 41:26 F50-54 54.1%

No racewalking division
26°, long hill
* Alan wore 7 layers ~ 9.5 pounds of clothes+shoes; 8.0 lbs excluding shoes

5K running

Place Name Time Division Age-Graded
15/38 Lee Debault 33.48 M65-69 51.6%

Seize the Day 5K

Nov. 16, 2014, Overland Park, Kansas
Corporate Woods

5K walking

Place Name Time Division Age-Graded
1/1 Alan Poisner 38:31.5 80+ 74.7 %

No racewalking division
17°, 7 layers ~ 9.5 pounds of clothes,
oldest racer-only one in the 60+, 70+ or 80+ divisions; ‘3/4 in the 50-59 division

Gobbler Grind 5K

November 9, 2014, Overland Park, Kansas

No racewalking division

Walking Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
2/2 John Anderson 36:33 M 70-74 70.0%
1/3 Alan Poisner 35:58 M 75+ 80.0%

Running Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
4/5 Lee Debault 27:29 M 65-69 54.0%

2014 MARA Grand Prix Standings

Male 75-79
2nd/4 Alan Poisner 52


Female 55-59
3rd/4 Sunday Cavallaro 40


Based on 10 best races in 2014 (5K to full marathon)

30K Challenge

Three 10K races in September: Broadway Bridge, Plaza 10K, Dot to Dot

Name Age Age Group BB Time Plaza Time Dot To Dot Chip Time
Alan Poisner 79 1 M 70-79 1:13:38.4 1:12:47.8 1:12:24.1 3:38:50

Oldest male to finish all three 10K’s, only racewalker.
Alan beat 19 runners and would have come out second in the 60-64 division

Cliff Hanger 5K

Nov. 2, 2014, Kansas City, Missouri

5K Walking

Place Name Time Division Age-Graded Pace
1 John Anderson 37:12 Walking 69.0% 11:59
2 BJ Thornburg 38:36 Walking 73.0% 12:26
3 Fred Adams 39:14 Walking 74.5% 12:38
4 Pat Durkin 41:50 Walking 66.4% 13:28

JA 3/6 overall M 70-74
BJ 1/1 overall F 70-74
FA 1/1 overall M 80+
PD 3/4 overall F 65-69

8K Running or Walking

Place Name Time Division Age-Graded Pace
4/13 Sunday Cavallaro 42:35 Running F 55-59 67.8% 8:34
7/7 Lee Debalt 53:57 Running M 65-69 57.4% 10:56
1/2 Alan Poisner 58:22 Walking M 80+ 80.6% 11:45

No racewalking division

Waddell Reed 5K and Marathon

Oct. 18, 2014, Kansas City, Missouri

5K Walking

No racewalking division

Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
1/1 Alan Poisner 36:05 M 80+ 79.7%

Mararthon Running

Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
1/4 Carol Goslin 5:43:14 F 65-69 62.7%

Lace up for Learning 5K

October 12, 2014, Overland Park, Kansas
Johnson County Community College

Place Name Time* Age Division Age-Graded
1/2 Alan Poisner 34:34.0 M 70-99 82.0%
2/2 John Anderson 36:15.0 M 70-99 70.9%

No racewalking division
*Course about 150 feet short

Be-A-Walker 3K Predicted-time Walk

October 11, 2014 Roe Park, Overland Park, Kansas

Walker Time Difference
1 Smith-Carol 24:50 -10 13:20
2 Armstrong-Peg 29:37 -23 15:54
3 McCarter-Martha 25:33 -28 13:42
4 Durkin-Pat 24:36 36 13:12
5 Haupt-Charlotte 30:44 44 16:30
6 Dandi-Raj 24:50 45 13:18
7 Dandi-Vijaya 24:57 45 13:24
8 Anderson-John 24:10 -50 13:00
9 Dandi-Lakshmi 23:24 54 12:36
10 Felton-Pamela 27:04 54 14:30
11 Thornburg-BJ 24:10 70 13:00
12 Haller-Julie 27:20 77 14:42
13 Zarrelli-Chuck 29:26 85 15:48
14 Grevice-Garry 26:32 -88 14:12
15 McCoy-Maggie 25:00 -90 13:24
16 Sandbeck-Lynn 21:42 94 11:36
17 Hilty-Bev 24:25 -147 13:12
18 Johnson Mike 26:56 -285 14:24

Red values indicates the walkers were faster than their predictions.

Kansas Senior Olympics

September 28, 2014 – Topeka, Kansas (Hummer Sports Park)

Walker Division 1500 M Place Age-Graded 5000 M Place Age-Graded
Debault-Lee M65-69 11:19 2/3 62.3%
Anderson-John M70-74 10:45 1/2 68.8% 38:49 1/1 66.2%
Poisner-Alan M80-84 09:31 1/2 86.9% 34:56 1/1 82.4%
Adams-Fred M80-84 10:54 2/2 76.9%
McManus-Eileen F55-59 09:29 1/4 71.7%
Cavallaro-Sunday F55-59 09:50 2/4 68.5% 35:08 1/2 68.0%
Durkin-Pat F65-69 11:25 1/2 67.2% 40:51 1/1 68.0%
Smith-Carol F70-74 11:12 1/2 70.4% 42:15 1/2 67.7%
Haller-Julie F75-79 13:22 1/1 63.3%

1500 M 6 Golds, 3 Silvers’ 5000 M 5 Golds
New Kansas Senior Game Records:
Eileen McManus F55-59 1500 M: old record 9:33
Carol Smith F70-74 1500 M: old record 11:34
Alan Poisner M80-84 1500 M and 5000 M: old records 10:24 and 39:25

Dot to Dot 10K

September 20, 2014, Overland Park, Kansas
Corporate Woods


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
1/1 Alan Poisner 1:12:24.1 M 75-79 80.7%

No racewalking division


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
2/14 Sunday Cavallaro 56:23.9 F 55-59 67.4%

Plaza 10K

September 14, 2014, Kansas City, Missouri


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
2/3 Alan Poisner 1:12:47.8 M 75-99 80.3%

No racewalking division


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
9/75 Sunday Cavallaro 52:48.8 F 55-59 72.0%

Patriots' Day Run - September 11, 2014

Oregon Trail Park - Olathe, Kansas
Walking Teams relay – 0.67 miles/lap Total Time Allowed = 9 hrs 11 min

Patriotic Pedestrians - Captain BJ Thornburg

Walker Last Name First Name Miles
1 Thornburg BJ 2.00
2 Cavallaro Sunday 2.67
3 Anderson John 2.67
4 Grevice Garry 4.00
5 Zaccardi Jane 2.00
6 Armstrong Peg 2.00
7 Zaccardi Jane 2.00
8 Felton Pam 2.00
9 McCarter Martha 4.00
10 Debault Lee 2.00
11 Jacobs Phil 4.00
12 Sandbeck Lynn 2.00
13 Thornburg BJ 2.00
14 Sandbeck Lynn 2.00
15 Thornburg BJ 2.00
16 Anderson John 1.33
17 Sandbeck Lynn 1.33
Total: 40.0

Perpetual Pedestrians - Captain Alan Poisner

Walker Last Name First Name Miles
1 Poisner Alan 4.00
2 Perih Nancy 3.33
3 Rico Susan 4.00
4 Poisner Alan 4.00
5 Smith Carol 2.00
6 Haller Julie 2.00
7 Smith Carol 2.00
8 Nichols Kendra 2.00
9 Oakes Tom 2.00
10 Durkin Pat 4.00
11 McCoy Maggie 4.00
12 Poisner Alan 3.33
13 McCoy Maggie 1.33
14 Poisner Alan 1.33
Total: 39.3

Broadway Bridge 5K and 10K

September 7, 2014, Kansas City, Missouri Very hilly

Walking 5K

Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
2/2 John Anderson 42:33.3 M 70-79 67.0%

Walking 10K

Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
2/2 Alan Poisner 1:13:38.4 M 70-79 79.3%

No racewalking division

Running Half-Marathon

Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
7/7 Mark Landry 3:08:03.3 M 60-64 40.4%
5/5 Lee Debault 2:45:30.2 M 65-69 54.1%

Leawood Labor Day Race - 5K

September 1, 2014 Leawood City Park
7:30 am 62° and muggy


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
6/7 John Anderson 38:21 M 70-74 67.0%
5/7 Alan Poisner 35:27 M 75-79 79.9%

No racewalking division


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
2/12 Sunday Cavallaro 25:57 F 55-59 71.4%
7/11 Lee Debault 31:54 M 65-69 54.1%

Head for the Cure - 5K

August 24, 2014
Corporate Woods, Overland Park, Kansas

Walking Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
18/59 Sunday Cavalarro 35:55 F 55-59 66.5%
2/9 Alan Poisner 34:55 M 75-79 81.2%

No racewalking division

ShowMe State Games (Missouri)

July 26, 2014, Columbia, Missouri
1500 meters racewalk

Place Name Time Division Age-Graded
1 Martie Delon 15:32.6 F 85-89 63.7%
1 Dave Couts 7:15.33 M 55-59 88.2%
1 Fred Adams 11:10.55 M 80-84 75.0%
2 Floyd Delon 16:47.45 M 85-89 53.3%

Great Balls of Fire 5K

Overland Park, Kansas
July 20, 2014

7:30 about 63° - no racewalking division

Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
2/4 Alan Poisner 34:39 75-79 81.8%

Jingle in July

Meritrex Cave, Lenexa, Kansas
July 13, 2014

9:00 am warm and humid


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
2/3 Alan Poisner 35:38 70+ 79.5%

No racewalking division

Sunflower State Games

July 11, Topeka, Kansas

1500 meters racewalk
4:00 pm sunny and about 100°


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
1 Sunday Cavallaro 10:12 55-59 66.0%
2 Jane Zaccardi 11:37 60-64 59.1%
1 BJ Thornburg 11:31 65-69 67.6%
2 Nancy Perih 12:28 65-69 60.0%
1 Julie Haller 14:07 75-79 60.0%


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
1 Terry Brown 11:48 70-74 60.5%
1 Alan Poisner 9:32 75-79 85.3%

Freedom Run 10K

July 4, 2014, Lenexa, Kansas


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
3/6 Sunday Cavallaro* 55:15 55-59 68.6%


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
9/10 Lee Debault* 1:08:03 65-69 57.8%
2/5 Alan Poisner 1:10:27 75+ 82.9%

No walking division
7:00 62° cool and ideal

Double Road Race 10K and 5K

June 29, Overland Park, Kansas


Place Name Time Age Division
4/6 Sunday Cavallaro* 1:32:57 55-59
3/3 BJ Thornburg 2:03:12 65-69


Place Name Time Age Division
7/8 Lee Debaulr* 1:35:07 65-69
1/2 Alan Poisner 1:56:01 75+

No walking division
7:30 85° and muggy
Hot and humid start and finish Corporate Woods Notes: This was the second year that this unique event was held in our area. The design was to do a 10K race with a rest period before the next part, a 5K, with the total racing time used to determine the winners. Alan was the second oldest male racer this year but his time was much slower due to the weather.

Missouri Senior Games

June 20-21, 2014, Columbia, Missouri

1500 meters racewalk – June 20
5:00 pm sunny and about 100°


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
1 Lynn Sandbeck 10:40 60-64 65.0%
2 Jane Zaccardi 12:26 60-64 55.2%
1 BJ Thornburg 11:10 70=74 68.7%
1 Martie Delon 17:44 85-89 55.8%


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
1 Dave Couts 7:23 55-59 86.0%
1 Lee Debault 11:26 65-69 61.7%
1 Terry Brown 11:25 70-74 62.5%
1 Alan Poisner 9:37 80-84 84.6%
2 Fred Adams 12:46 80-84 64.8%
1 Floyd Delon 19:51 85-89 44.3%

5K racewalk – June 14
7:30 not as hot but hilly


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
1 Jane Zaccardi 40:40 60-64 60.1%


Place Name Time Age Division Age-Graded
1 Dave Couts 26:36 55-59 82.7%

Village Shalom Fathers’s Day 5K and 10K

June 15, 2014 - Overland Park, Kansas
Rainy and 65°


Walker Racewalking Place Age Division Time Age-Graded
BJ Thornburg 1* 60-69 38:55 W 71.4%
Martha McCarter 2 50-59 41:29 W 54.3%

*Also placed 2nd/8 in running division


Runner/Walker Place Age Division Time Age-Graded
Lee Debault** 2/2 60-69 1:10:58 R 53.4%
Alan Poisner 3/3 70-79 1:13:56 W 79.0%

No racewalking division
** Not racewalking

Hospital Hill Half-Marathon and 10K

June 7, 2014 - Kansas City, Missouri
Rainy and 60°, very hilly, no racewalking divisions


Runner/Walker Place Division Time Age-Graded
Lynn Sandbeck 11/27 F 60-64 2:29:02 R 58.9%
BJ Thornburg 4/6 F 65-69 2:55:39 W 75.8%
Carol Goslin 5/6 F 65-69 2:57:24 W 75.0%
Nancy Perih 6/6 F 65-69 3:11:12 W 67.3%


Walker Place Division Time Age-Graded
Alan Poisner 2/4 M 75-79 1:13:47 W 79.2%

Amy Thompson 8K

May 26, 2014 - Kansas City, Missouri

Walker Place Divison Time Age-Graded
Sunday Cavallaro 16/22 F 55-59 59:04 66.7%
Alan Poisner 3/3 M 75-79 56:43 81.7%

No racewalking division

WeWalk Minnesota Half-Marathon

May 17, 2014 – Melrose, Minnestoa

Walker Place Divison Time Age-Graded
Sunday Cavallaro 2 F 55-59 2:57:17 63.0%
BJ Thornburg 1 F 65-69 3:02:45 72.8%

Walking only, no running divisions

Run for Justice 5K

May 4, 2014 – Kansas City, Missouri

Walker Place Divison Time Age-Graded
BJ Thornburg 1/1 F 65-69 39:42 69.90%

No racewalking division

Outpacing Melanoma 5K

May 4, 2014 – Overland Park, Kansas

Walker Place Divison Time Age-Graded
Alan Poisner 1/3 M 75-99 35:45 79.3%

No racewalking division

Rock the Parkway 5K

April 12, 2014 – Kansas City, Missour

Walker Place Divison Time Age-Graded
BJ Thornburg 1/5 F 65-69 39:06 71.0%
Alan Poisner 1/4 M 75-79 35:36 79.6%

No racewalking division

Brew to Brew Relay

April 6, 2014 Kansas City to Lawrence

Team Captain Finish Handicap Adjusted
Walking Shoes Phil Jacobs 8:41:49 1:18 7:23:49
Heartland Hipsters BJ Thornburg 9:35:03 2:08 7:27:03
Perpetual Pedestrians Alan Poisner 8:54:36 1:24 7:30:36
We Wooly Walkers Mark Landry 10:04:00 1:20 8:44:00

This was another record-breaking year for the Heartland Racewalkers in the Brew to Brew. We had four teams of 5 walkers (exceeding last year’s record of three teams) and also supplied 4 volunteers. Once again we had a combination of veterans and rookies. The rookies were Marcie Reyelts, Pat Durkin and John Anderson, all of whom acquitted themselves in fine pedestrian form. The veterans included Phil Jacobs and Alan Poisner who have now completed 12 and 13, respectively, of the Brew to Brew races with racewalking teams since 2001. As in 2013, Dave Couts, a national champion racewalker, blew away the field, walking at a pace of 8’37” per mile and leading the Walking Shoes team to the second fastest net time since 2001. The weather was favorable this year and the course finished at the old termination point on the north side of the bridge in Lawrence. Our teams beat a large number of running teams in the age- and gender-based running divisions. We appreciated the volunteer help of Peg Armstrong, Pamela Felton, Carol Smith and Kendra Nichols. As in the past we ended up at the Mad Greek restaurant afterwards for a victory celebration. See the NEWS and PICTURES links for more information.

Walking Shoes Heartland Hipsters Perpetual Pedestrians We Wooly Walkers
Leg Miles Walker Handi-cap Walker Handi-cap Walker Handi-cap Walker Handi-cap
1 3.9 Phil Jacobs 9 BJ Thornburg 14 Martha McCarter 8 Jodi Cusick 8
2 5.3 Nancy Perih 14 Lynn Sandbeck 12 Lakshmi Dandi 2 Terry Brown 9
3 5.8 Dave Couts 5 John Anderson 11 Sunday Cavallaro 10 Mark Landry 7
4 2.3 Amy Siebes 4 Pat Durkin 14 Lee Debault 9 Mary Landry 10
5 4.7 Dan Tiemeier 7 Fred Adams 13 Alan Poisner 13 Marcie Reyelts 6
6 3.3 Nancy Perih 14 Pat Durkin 14 Martha McCarter 8 Jodi Cusick 8
7 4.8 Phil Jacobs 9 Lynn Sandbeck 12 Lakshmi Dandi 2 Mary Landry 10
8 4.0 Amy Siebes 4 John Anderson 11 Sunday Cavallaro 10 Mark Landry 7
9 4.2 Dan Tiemeier 7 BJ Thornburg 14 Lee Debault 9 Terry Brown 9
10 4.7 Dave Couts 5 Fred Adams 13 Alan Poisner 13 Marcie Reyelts 6
Total 43.0 78 128 84 80

Big 12 Championships 5K

March 15, 2014 – Kansas City, Misssouri
Sprint Center (45°)

Walker Place Divison Time Age-Graded
Alan Poisner 1/2 M 75-79 34:27 82.2%

No racewalking division (only 4 layers)

Ground Hog Run 5K

January 26, 2014 - Kansas City, Missouri
Hunt Midwest Subtropolis Cave (inside - 50°- 60°)

Walker Place Division Time Age Age-Graded
BJ Thornburg* 6/10 F 65-69 37:39 65-69 73.7%
John Anderson 11/15 M 70+ 40:35 70+ 62.5%
Alan Poisner 8/15 M 70+ 35:32 70+ 79.7%

All racewalked against runners